Week 7: Leadership

Some leadership roles at my school are student council. For instance, there are the four main officers who are the head of the school. There is the president, vice president, secretary, and, treasure. The president handles all of the student council meetings and helps with the school functions. The vice president handles at least one of the student council meetings and takes the presidents job if the president is unable to attend anything. The secretary takes care of the school scrapbook and takes attendance at the student council meetings. Lastly, the treasure counts the money that the school earns at fundraisers. I would try to take one of these roles because it seems to me like a challenge, and I like to take challenges. I actually am running for vice president at my school.

Happy Blogging! 🙂

Week 6: My Passion

One of my passions is dancing. I started dancing when I was 9 years old. When I first started dancing I took ballet. Then, I started taking jazz and I just kept on adding classes every week, and at the end of the year I ended up taking almost 8 classes each week. I basically spent all my time at my dance studio, which was fine with me. I don’t know why but, when I first started dancing I felt liked I belonged there. It was a place where I could be stress free and calm. And to top everything off, I made a lot of amazing friends that supported me when I danced.

Happy Blogging! 🙂

Catalina Memory

Last week my class went to Catalina (CIMI) for 3 days to learn about marine biology. My favorite memory from Catalina was when I went kayaking with my friend, Isabel. It was really fun because I told Isabel that we should jump into the water because we were already wet and why not jump in for fun. Isabel then said ok, lets do it together. Then, I went in first and Isabel tricked me and decided not to jump in. Isabel then started laughing at me because I was struggling to get on the kayak and I was wet. After, I tried to get on the kayak but I “accidentally” made it flip over which then made Isabel fall into the water too. It was also really fun because, Jacob and Justin started laughing at us when we fell in the water so Isabel and I decided to kayak near them and I “accidentally” flipped their kayak over and Jacob fell in the water which was really funny.

Happy Blogging! 🙂


Week 5: Childhood Memory

My favorite childhood memory is when I was 9 years old and I helped my grandma make her famous salad dressing for dinner. I was really surprised when she asked me because, she would never tell anybody what was in the dressing and she never let anybody make the dressing with her. She didn’t even tell my mom, which was her own daughter! It was really fun making the dressing, because I found out that there were a lot of odd ingredients that she put in the dressing that I wouldn’t expect her to put in. Some of the ingredients were ketchup, ginger, etc. I learned a lot of new things that day like how to cut vegetables. When we finally finished the dressing, I let my grandma try it first. She said, “out of all the times I made this dressing this is the best time I’ve made it.”

Happy Blogging! 🙂

Week 4: A Picture is Worth

In literature class I’ve been learning about Creative Commons and copyright and I thought you guys might want to know about it too. We watched two videos in class, in the first video I learned about copyright. Copyright is when you take somebody’s work that isn’t yours and say that you did it, and not give any credit to the other person. In case you don’t know, copyright is legal. Another thing I learned is about fair use. Fair use is the law of copyright in the United States.

Some other things I learned in the first video is, because of copyright people are not allowed to use your work without your permission. But, if you want to allow people to use your work, get a Creative Commons license. A Creative Commons license is a document that states the freedoms and limitations that you apply to your work. In case you want to know more about what Creative Commons, it is an organization which provides a collection of free content license that you can apply to your work. And to top it off Creative Commons offers six different license so you can share your work however you want. But, Creative Commons does require you to give attribution which means, you must give credit to the owner.

Happy Blogging! 🙂